Saturday, May 4, 2019

Via - the Way

In front of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre

Herod's Gate
We left the hotel at 5 am and headed to Herold's Gate in the Old City. Lights had been strung for Ramadan, which will begin on Monday. As we entered, we encountered many Muslims leaving the city from morning prayers at Al-Aqsa Mosque. 
Cross embedded in the Wall on the Via

We started the stations of the cross, or the Via Dolorosa, in the alley near where the Antonia Fortress was located in the time of Jesus. We wove our way from station to station, arriving at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre as various masses were being said. We saw the places where Jesus was crucified, buried and eventually resurrected.

The stairway to Calvary

Our breakfast in the church courtyard was provided by nearby street vendors. We brought too much food and so we hosted a spontaneous breakfast for the various tour guides who happened by. We learned that a Jerusalem donut tastes good with some zaatar and falafel inside!

The Syrian Priest who hosted us

We headed off to the Syrian Orthodox Church of St. Mark. This church is said to have been erected on the site where St. Mark's family lived. Some speculate that the last supper was hosted in this location. This group of believers still worships in Aramaic, the mother tongue of Jesus.

We returned to Bethlehem and visited the Shepherds Field, where the angels appeared and announced Jesus' birth. As we sang "gloria . . . in excelsis deo." we could imagine the angel choir singing with us.

Next we were off to the the Church of the Nativity, which is next door to our hotel. Like the tomb at the Church Holy Sepulchre, the lines were dreadfully long and we opted for a quick tour of the entire grounds instead.

From death to birth, we saw it all today. Or so we thought.

After a free afternoon, we gathered for dinner at Cheers, a restaurant owned by our guide Rami. Karaoke ensued as did some dancing. Let me just say that what happens at Cheers, stays at Cheers. Like at the checkpoints, there is no filming!

Berkeley Folks - Laurie & Chuck and Cherie & Don

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