Thursday, March 21, 2019

Heading to the Holy Land!

April 24- May 7, 2019

Twenty-five pilgrims from California and Ohio are heading to the Holy Land for an adventure of a lifetime.  

For months, these pilgrims have been reading and studying.  One book on an orientation to the Palestinian/Israeli conflict.  Another assignment was to read two of the gospels.  Most importantly, each one has been challenged to ponder their spiritual goals for the trip. 

Pilgrimage is much more than a tourist type of tour.  The purpose of pilgrimage is to use the time for spiritual reflection and growth. 

There are three main questions that every pilgrim holds:
  1. What is going on in my soul?
  2. What do I need to let go of?
  3. How is God present?
We hope you will join us on this trip as we post reflections and photos. 


Pastor Debbie Whaley
Mt. Washington Presbyterian Church